Sunday, August 5, 2007

"So Good To Have Real Food Again"

Today we were very fortunate that my sister, her husband and her kids were able to stop in for a short visit and meal on their way home from the east coast! (Hi Guys!!)

After my sister called, I did my best to transform into my mom and tried to put together a decent meal... potatoes done in foil on the bbq, beef tenderloin steaks from the freezer, a raw veggie platter from farm boy, a couple of garlic breads with cheese from farm boy and some ice cream, again from farm boy and some double chocolate sauce from Reids in Cambridge that my mom brought with her on her last visit. Turned out ok, no major failures, yay!!

After a late ish dinner, we braved the outdoors for a quick show off of the property until the mosquitoes forced us back inside!! They were just awful tonight! A few came in the house and we're working on killing them before bedtime!

My sister and her family didn't stay long, they wanted to get to their hotel for the night as they'd been traveling since about 9am to almost 7pm!! That's a very long day of driving... not a day I could do!! Tomorrow they'll head back home, should be a shortish day of driving compared to what they've had the last while.

Travel safe and thanks for coming out of your way to visit! It was great to see you all again.

Just as they were leaving, Scott relayed the message quoted in the topic said by my nephew Justin "So good to have real food again!" Glad it qualified as real food... glad it was enjoyed! Come back and visit again, anytime!

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