Saturday, August 25, 2007

And...they're off.

Lisa and Jessica left this morning (very early - we were up at 5:am) to make the long drive to the Toronto area to drop Jessica off at Ryerson. We packed the van with all sorts of stuff for her last night, so this morning they mostly just needed to hop in the car and leave.

There were many tears shed this morning when Jessica left to start her new life. (btw - she has a blog of her own where she plans to chronicle her adventures away from home). It's sad she's leaving, but exciting too - I remember going off to university, living away from home for the first time. I think it'll be the time of her life.

I'm staying here at Four Horse Haven, looking after the dogs. I considered going back to sleep after they left, but I couldn't imagine sleeping, so I've been puttering around here with the dogs, doing little jobs that have needed doing for a while.

I fixed the dog run where bad dog Buddy had a conniption and almost disassembled the door and escaped. I've reworked the wire so everything is linked together, and added new wire so he shouldn't be able to pull a stunt like that again.

I started removing the bolts on the back step: we've got these precast cement steps at the front and back steps of the house. They used to have railings, but they've long rusted and been removed. The back step still has bolts protruding from the cement. It's shockingly hard to remove them: the bolt cutters didn't dent them, so I ended up using Dremel cutoff wheels, which was fun enough other than shattering two of them. I got 2 of the 4 bolts removed, after much time and effort. I may go back out later and do the other two.

1 comment:

TRAFN8R said...

Hey Babysitting man,

How goes it?? Your idea of fun and a dremel wheel leave me a wee bit scared :)

It must be hard for you in that whole emotional roller coaster ride that Lisa and Jess are going through. I believe it is a very natural, but very difficult thing they are experiencing.

That Buddy is a bugger!! I'll wait to hear if the problem is Buddy proofed now.

So how do you like going out in the back forty and as you cast your eyes around, you KNOW it is yours!!!!!
