Friday, August 10, 2007

Disappointment... Frustration

Count me as part of the hair obsessed group! Got my hair cut... not as thrilled about it as when my hair magician in Kitchener does it... its a little shorter than usual, but that's ok, it GROWS!!

The worst part of this haircut? Not even the way it looks, surprisingly... twas the friggen HIVES I brought out in from one of the hair products he used and the VERY long 15 minute drive home from Centrum to get an allergy pill and another shower!!

After a hair cut its hard to resist touching it... well, everywhere I touched afterwards (my arm, my neck...) up popped a large horrible itchy welt!! Grrr!

I've just showered and it should soon calm down with the allergy pill and then maybe I'll be less cranky about the cut in general. Maybe.


TRAFN8R said...

Oh Bloody Hell!!!!! HIVES?????????
Poor You!!!!!!!!!! Please tell me the shower and the allergy pills helped FAST!!!!
OK, now you have to wait for the right stylist, and you had better find out which products he used!!

Those damn intermediates!!! :)

Oh Lisa, things will get better, honest!!
I believe it is punishment for all the hard work you do and making the rest of us look like lazy slugs.:)
Jayne the pain

Anonymous said...

Hives are sadly not unusual for me when hair care products are involved. *eye roll* Clearly, there's something wrong with me!! That's the reason I only use baby shampoo... seems fitting given what a baby I can be :)And yes, the shower and allergy pills worked reasonably quickly, thank goodness!

Still not in love with the cut, but whatever, I own a baseball cap and I'm NOT afraid to wear it!!

If its punishment for working too hard, then I'm punished twice... once when I DO the work and then this ... :)

In the grand scheme of things, I've still got it pretty sweet ;)