Sunday, December 30, 2007

I love my treadle

Vintage Singer Sewing Machine


So I finally got around to trying out the treadle machine -- I sewed a few seams, and tried out the new buttonholer Lisa got me for our anniversary.

It's awesome.

The machine runs through 6-8 layers of denim like butter. The buttonholer is a marvel of engineering -- that a machine with no zigzag ability could make a perfect buttonhole (straight or keyhole) is awesome.

I'm very excited. :-) Now I'm going through the other attachments that came with the machine: hem rolling foot, variable width hemmer, ruffler, binder, tucker, width guide, and a couple of things I'm not sure what they are yet. :-) My goal is to try each of them out and get them to work.

My next project is a collared shirt -- I'm going to try to make the whole thing on the treadle (I may cheat and finish the seams using my Kenmore with zigzagging, but other than that...)

Big fun. :-)

Birthdays, Anniversaries & New Semi Formal Clothes!

Yesterday was our 5th wedding anniversary and the day started out great... I got to sleep in! Shawn got up and fed the dogs and the goats and I slept til almost 11am!! Jess and Kyle were awake before ME! That was a real treat!

We ate lunch out at Baton Rouge and I had yummy prime rib for lunch! Jess had her avocado sandwich she likes and Shawn had a giant chicken caesar salad and Kyle had a giant chicken tenders salad. Was a nice treat.

Jess bought herself a new digital camera with some of the money she got for Christmas. Her cell phone camera works, but has some storage issues that were getting to be annoying. She tried it out last night and it seems to take nice pics. I think she posted some of the test pics to her album, for anyone interested.

We also went to see "Enchanted" at the theater, the kids saw a different movie, "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street" that we were not interested in seeing. "Enchanted" was a fun movie and we both enjoyed it. I highly recommend it to anyone that likes light, fluffy and a bit sappy entertainment.

We had shake n bake chicken for dinner, Jess had sushi... twas yummy.

On Friday, we all braved Bayshore Mall and had lunch at the mall at the Thai place. We had to really fight to get seats, it was so busy! Then Jess and Kyle went off to look at stuff and Shawn and I started dress shopping. Poor Shawn having to go dress shopping on his birthday! But apparently he didn't mind and having him outside the dressing room was a huge help to me... getting into "girl" clothes can be quite a challenge with mile long zippers and hooks in the back!!

I think I tried on 20 - 25 different dresses in 2 stores. In the end, there were a couple that were absolutely hideous... a bunch that would've done if there'd been nothing else and two outfits that we liked.

We ended up choosing a matching black velvet skirt and top that when you put them together, really look like a one piece garment. The skirt is long, almost ankle length, very straight and has an unusual hemline. The hemline itself is straight, but the velvet part is cut jagged (I suck at descriptions!!) and between the jagged pieces are a black nylon type material that is see through. It looks much nicer than my description!!

The top is also black velvet and has long sleeves and what I would call a "boat" neck. It could probably be worn on or off the shoulder, but I only tried it on, so I'm not positive.

So its a way less revealing outfit than I feared I'd have to wear... it goes almost to my wrists, down to my ankles and only my neck and a small amount of chest are revealed. I also bought a matching black velvet cape to wear over it, instead of a coat. (I didn't want to spend the $$ to buy a dressy coat for only one occasion!)

The best part of the outfit was the price! The top and skirt were both marked at $80 each, which I thought was *enough* but certainly not horrible. Then we got to the cash register and each piece was on sale for $40... then I also realized I had a $25 gift certificate from that stores reward program, so I used that. When all was said and done the skirt and top were under $70 total!! We went to the other store to buy the cape and it was only $40, so I really lucked out!

I was really happy though with the experience, we were all done in less than 2 hours!! I can hardly believe that.

The goat babies will be 6 months old on New Years day and they are doing really well again. Ernie's owie is pretty much all healed.. he's eating well again and they are both being their crazy selves. They are getting really close to being able to get up on top of the shelter without help... close, but not quite. We've been helping them up there when we go out and they run around and do crazy goat dances on top and try to push each other off. Big goat fun. I think they are enjoying the milder weather a whole bunch... I put some of the hay they waste into a pile in their yard area and we often see them laying outside in the pile of unacceptable hay, just chewing cud and enjoying being outside.

The dogs are enjoying having the kids here for extra attention, even if it means there is no room on the couch for dogs! :) Poor pups having to give up their seats for *humans*! :)

As always, I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but that's all I can think of for now!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

The vintage singer

I cleaned and oiled the Singer this morning.

It's pretty sweet. :-)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Is For Giving.... Boxing Day Is For....


We are officially thieves.

This afternoon we went into Kanata to the movie theatre and saw National Treasure 2, with Nicholas Cage. Very enjoyable movie and a good outing.

As we were leaving Centrum, we passed where they were selling Christmas trees this season and noticed there were a couple of trees just laying around, abandoned. I'm not sure which one of us suggested we take the trees home with us for the goats, but we drove around the block to get back to the area where they were.

We pulled up near where the trees were laying and all went out to look at them. There was a large one, a medium one and a really small scruffy one that wasn't even good enough to be called a Charlie Brown tree.

We loaded the large tree into the van and went back for the medium tree. With a bit more effort we got most of it stuffed into the back of the van, but enough of both was sticking out that we couldn't shut the trunk.

Luckily we carry bungee cords for just such as occasion. We bungeed it down as best we could and then off we went! We made it home without incident and unloaded the trees. We cut off a couple branches and gave them to the goats right away... they think it is delicious!!

So even though we were thieves... no one seemed to care ;)

More On Christmas & Semi Formal Woes!

I posted a few more Christmas pics to the FHH Christmas 07 album. We took a pic of the turkey I cooked to prove we didn't starve to death on Christmas ;) Most of the newer pics are off Shawn's phone, so there's a different perspective going on... which mostly means there are some of me... blech.

The turkey turned out well... twas tender, juicy and tasty. That said, it still wasn't as good as my Mommy makes, but maybe with practice mine will be passable. I also made garlic mashed potatoes, just for something a bit different... they were yummy. I also made a large batch of gravy so there'd be enough to serve with leftovers. I saved the pan drippings from the beef tenderloin (didn't make gravy that night because I made those cheaty baked potatoes with cheese) I just added water to the beef drippings, cooked everything off the pan, just like I was going to make gravy and then just didn't thicken it. After it cooled I poured the au jus into a measuring cup and saved it for the turkey gravy. It made it extra tasty and added some good brownness.

I didn't make anything else, no veggies, no dessert. We had large salads at lunch time and Jess isn't a big dessert eater and I knew Shawn and I would pig out on meat and potatoes. Besides, the more dishes you make, the more leftovers there are and with only 3 of us, we didn't want to be eating leftovers for months :)

Last night around 9pm, we left the house and headed into Ottawa. The whole point of our trip was to drive past parliament and see the 300,000 lights they've put up. So we did that and they are pretty nice. Our tentative plan is to go back down later this week when Kyle arrives, they have a center block open house, where you can wander through and see all the Christmas decorations and then go up the Peace tower and see the outside lights and view of the area.

While we were down that way, we crossed into Quebec (always an adventure) to see the Chateau Cartier . The reason we wanted to see where that was, is on Jan 12, Shawn's work is having a semi formal event with dinner there, as their belated Christmas celebration.

Now, were you reading carefully? SEMI FORMAL... did you get that? Ugh... yes, semi formal. Now those words mean different things to different people. Depending on your age group and stuff, that might just mean "not jeans".... but after asking around, Shawn found out it means suits for the men (tuxes are over kill, but maybe some of the company's founders might wear them) and DRESSES for the women. And not just a dress... a semi formal dress. I suppose its an occasion where owning a little black dress would be useful.

Shawn and I have been joking between ourselves and him with some coworkers that semi formal in Dunrobin means clean coveralls and you knock the shit off yer boots. (Formal, you'd put on new clean boots). Actually, originally, before I found out it was semi formal, I thought perhaps I'd wear my new jeans, the ones I bought and have been kinda saving, not wearing and abusing day to day. Guess they won't be quite right.

I also have a nice pair of black dress pants, paired with a nice blouse that had a sheen to it or something would likely *do* but apparently pants on women at these events are very rare. Me being me, I would rather not be over or under dressed, I really would rather not be noticed at all!!

I already own a nice pair of black mule heels I can wear... but now, I have to go... *gulp* DRESS SHOPPING. Oh Lord, kill me now. I'm going to attempt to find something to wear while Jess is still here and Shawn is off work so I can have as many people as possible laughing at me during the experience... I mean as many opinions as possible ;)

I've already been looking at dresses online and found a few I think would be appropriate, but their stock is iffy... never mind buying a dress online and the fitting issue.

This one is my first choice, the price is awesome, but also because of the price, their stock is pretty much gone.

My second choice is this one
, but I'm afraid it might be TOO formal, given the length etc and the price is a little more than I'd like to pay. They still have some reasonable sizes available though.

Actually, I really like the website, they have lots of helpful information, like "find your shape" and then for each dress, they say which shapes it looks best on.

My plan is to go shopping locally... then if that fails, take a chance and buy something online. We'll see how that works out.

The other big dilemma is accessories... like is it ok to wear my denim ball cap with those or do I need to break out my nice John Deere one?? ;)

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Good Morning and Merry Christmas!

It's been a very good Christmas here so far!! We had delicious roasted beef tenderloin last night for supper! We exchanged gifts amongst ourselves... both Jessica and Shawn made some beautiful presents. I won't go into detail right now though!

I took a few videos this morning of the dogs opening their presents, for anyone interested.

Dogs Opening Presents

Dogs Eating Presents

Merry Christmas Wishes

I also posted a few stills to the FHH album.

It's a warm and sunny day here, the sun coming through the window feels very nice!!

It's a strange day though and a bit sad, not spending it with my parents and my sister and her family. Miss you guys.

Merry Christmas All!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Delicious Smells

Merry Christmas!

It's Christmas Eve, and all through the house, there is the delicious smell of roasting beef tenderloin. Mmmmmmm.

It's making me quite hungry. :-)

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Ernie's On The Mend

Most of you know that our little goat, Ernie has been under the weather for a couple days. It started because I'm a bad goat owner that didn't switch his blanket to the bigger size soon enough. The dog blankets I use have elastic leg straps and poor Ernie's inner thigh got an abrasion and small cut before I noticed it digging in last weekend.

As soon as I noticed, I switched him to the bigger blanket and stopped using the leg straps. I cleaned it and put blue spray on it and kept an eye on it. Of course, he wouldn't leave it alone and picked at it until it got quite a bit bigger. It never looked weepy or infected... I used my horse clippers and trimmed the hair away to make it easier to clean and so hopefully it wouldn't itch him quite as much.

I also started taking his temp once or twice a day, just in case. Well, as animals always know the least convenient time to need vet attention, Saturday morning his temp was up. Now in all fairness, it wasn't *quite* a fever yet, it was 103.9 F. Goats normal temp is between 102.5 and 104 F. But I do take their temps somewhat regularly, just for a baseline, and 103.9 is high for HIM. He also was not that interested in eating his grain, which is very unusual for him.

So I called the vet clinic and told them what was going on... normally, I might've just waited it out a couple days... but goats are really susceptible to infection and die quickly... they also get pneumonia easily and die quickly. Since I wanted to avoid that, I wanted to act quickly. I called at 11:45 am and they said they could see him at 12:20pm, so I agreed and quick loaded Ernie into the dog crate and into the van. Jess and Shawn stayed home with Bert to keep him company.

Both goats screamed for about 5 minutes when they were first separated, but then both settled down just fine. Ernie traveled very well in the car.

One of the less obvious big problems with moving far away from home is the fact that you no longer have any relationship with a vet. They don't know your experience or anything.... this becomes a problem when something like this comes up and you just want to pick up a bottle of penicillin and get the dosage and a few needles and syringes from them. They aren't real quick to agree to do that. Hence the in person goat visit.

Now the regular goat vet was out of town, so we saw the dog vet. She told me she'd never given a goat a shot before... oh great, we are in the same boat! She gave him a tetanus booster and a shot of penicillin and we went over how to give IM shots. Its the same as giving horses shots, so nothing much different, but I wanted to be sure, also. I don't want to make anything worse!!

Ernie, of course, had the biggest, longest pee in goat history on the floor of the exam room. I managed to pull him away from the heat duct before he peed down the duct... no one wants to smell THAT forever!! He also left a big pile of goat pellets that I used the urine soaked paper towels to push into a pile. Charming animal. :)

He was a really good boy though... he was nervous about being there and wanted to stay very close to me. At one point, one of the clinic cats came over to him. I was a little worried that the cat might scratch him or scare him or something, but the cat just sniffed the goat and the goat just looked at the cat.... then suddenly, Ernie opened his mouth and bit the cat right on its spine near its shoulders!! The cat went "YOW" and jumped straight up in the air and then ran off. The goat jumped. I jumped. The receptionist jumped and peeked over her desk and shrugged her shoulders. I mostly tried to keep from laughing hysterically.

Anyhow, so we were all done there and headed home. The goats weren't as frantic to see each other as I thought they might be, but seemed happy enough to be back together. Ernie's temp was back to normal this morning and has been normal all day.

*break in posting to watch tv*

It's now almost midnight, we're just in from doing night feed. Checked Ernie's temp again and he's bang on normal still and was very excited to get his beet pulp and grain tonight. A couple hours ago there was a thick fog and it was really creepy out. Now its windy and the fog is gone and the full moon is shining so brightly its like daylight out. Crazy extremes.

It's still wet out, but no longer raining and the wet parts are starting to freeze. There's actually a flash freeze warning for most of the province tonight. Its an odd combination.. .some of it is just wet... some is ice and some is slush that's getting crusty. I already put out some sand/salt so when I walk out the back door in the morning I hopefully won't go flying!

Anyhow, it turns out I still need to do some Christmas shopping tomorrow and I'm hoping to pick up a bottle of epinephrine from the vet to have on hand, just in case... hope I don't ever need it. Goodness knows if you ever do need it after giving a shot, your day is gonna suck. But at least if you have it on hand (in case of an adverse reaction to a shot of penicillin, for instance) you have a chance of saving your animal. Otherwise, you'll never even get the call to the vet *placed* before they are gone.

I know many people give shots without having it on hand and never have a problem, but if you've ever seen a reaction, you know how horrible and how friggen fast it happens and how glad you are to have it in your pocket. The equine vet I used before we moved out here used to keep a syringe of it drawn up everytime she gave any shot. She had experienced reactions before and she estimates that you rarely have more than about 90 seconds to administer it and still have a good chance of a good outcome. She always said that for every 10 seconds after the 90 seconds, the chance of a full recovery dropped dramatically. That's always stayed with me and now it creeps me out to give shots without it being handy.

So that's the plan for tomorrow... Christmas shopping and a bottle of epi. Super fun :)

Another little tidbit that I was reminded of today... Pa, (my mother's father) used to keep some beef cattle and we were as involved as we could get, as kids! Sometimes, Pa used to stand at the gate and just stand there and look at the cattle. As a kid, this seemed really stupid and boring and why couldn't we do something more fun. I remember asking him what he was doing and he said "I'm listening to the herd". For years as a kid, that never made any sense. As I got older though, it made lots of sense. Just by standing, listening, observing, you could tell if anyone was in distress, off their feed, coming in heat, ready to calve, etc.

I know it seems really obvious, spend time with your animals, know what they are normally like and then its easy to tell when they are "off" or not quite right, etc. But for me, it has always been something really profound... perhaps more so since I thought it was so cryptic and stupid when I first heard it. But with my little goat being ill this weekend, it served me well... I noticed he was not quite right before the situation became life or death... just by listening, noticing and paying attention. Thanks Pa!

Oh and my sister and her family bought a herd of 29 Boer goats today. They arrived safe and sound! I'm so happy for her and I hope she ends up liking her goaties as much as I like mine! Congratulations on the new herd guys!!

I guess we should head to bed, its late... I know I'll have a hard time sleeping tonight with the bright moonlight on the snow AND the wild wind.... some sleep is better than none, I think.

Friday, December 21, 2007

So Much To Say, So Little Time & Energy!

So much has happened since the last post. Where to start?!?!

My parents and Jess arrived last Saturday around noon, in spite of the threat of the big snow storm... it didn't get started here til Saturday night and mostly happened Sunday. They arrived safe and sound and we had a great visit. Daddy could only stay til Monday as he had to get back to work on Tuesday.. wish he could've stayed longer, but we had a pretty good visit even if it was way too short.

Mom stayed on with us until yesterday and then flew back to Toronto via Westjet. We enjoyed having her company for a few extra days and were sad to see her go too.

The big storm brought us 37 cm of snow and actually caused our furnace to quit. Not the best thing ever when you're entertaining guests in the middle of a near crippling storm, lemme tell you. It wasn't long after the heat quit that I realized I hadn't checked the intake / outtake pipes for the high efficiency gas furnace and figured they were likely blocked from all the snow fall.

Shawn went out to check them and sure enough they were blocked. He set to cleaning them and then we tried the furnace again.. .still no go. Figuring it was likely some safety switch that was activated when the pipes blocked Dad, Shawn and I went down to the furnace and poked around, took both covers off it to see if we could find some reset switch.

I ended up calling the company that installed the furnace 2 years ago (their sticker was on it) and left a message with their answering service (it was Sunday afternoon) and was told they would call back within the hour. A service technician called about half an hour later and I did my best to explain what happened.

He told me that we could try a couple things on the phone, but that if they didn't work, I'd be out of luck as the company's owner was not allowing the techs to go out on calls due to the weather. They had already got the service vans stuck a few times and he was calling it a day. Mostly the fix in the end was just to shut off the power to the furnace and then power it up again. The important part is that it WORKED! We were only without heat for about an hour or so... not bad!!

I was thrilled with the tech for helping and he seemed pleased that he had helped me and didn't have to feel bad about not being able to go out in the storm.

Monday morning we started digging out... the snow removal guy we hired had come Sunday night, but it had drifted back in over night and covered the driveway and was about knee deep. Shawn, Daddy and I went out and started cleaning... Shawn and Daddy started with shovels while I got the snow blower out... the snowblower needed a bit of help from a bucket of hot water to get the tines turning and that took some time but we got it going and then it worked wonderfully.

After we cleaned out enough to get out, we all headed into Kanata to Cora's for breakfast. We were all starving after all the work! From there, Daddy headed home.... we took Shawn to work, even though he was late... and Mom, Jess and I went to Farm Boy.

So far this "winter" (umm, isn't tomorrow the FIRST day of winter??!!) we have received 75 friggen cm of snow. Crazy... and apparently not typical which is kind of a relief really... but then again, why did it have to do this the first winter here???

Jess has been trying to make friends with Ernie and Bert and they are starting to believe maybe she's not a predator after all! ;) They are not always the most friendly and forth coming with people they don't know. They aren't mean or anything... just stand off ish. They were much better meeting Mom, Dad and Jess than any of the other people that have come to see them before... they didn't just behave like livestock, which was nice!

Today, Jess helped me muck out the goat shelter and made many trips with the sled to the manure pile. It hadn't been cleaned right out in about a week and was overdue for a good stripping and rebedding. We also went out and did some Christmas shopping, but I can't post details, I don't want to be the Christmas ruiner!! ;)

Tonight, we went out to Carleton Place to the Eating Place for dinner... twas very good... Shawn and I had the turkey dinner, Jess had spaghetti. It's always a little like going home... not quite as good, but also not quite as far! All the trees lining the main street have lights on them and it looks very pretty, almost magical.

Shawn is now done work until Jan 7, 2008... he's pretty happy about getting some time off for Christmas this year... its pretty neat!

Not sure what we're up to this weekend yet... something, I'm sure, I just haven't gotten quite that far, yet.

We're looking forward to Kyle's arrival next Thursday! That'll be awesome :) It's an extended Christmas this year... having Christmas with my parents early and Christmas with Kyle late! :)

We've all been wiped out tired the last few days and Jess and I both napped yesterday afternoon. She slept in big time today for the first time since she arrived home.

I know I've glossed over and missed stuff that happened this week. There's just too much to say! :) Anyhow, now I'm tired and I still have to feed my goats their last meal of the day and all the other things that happen before bed! Busy busy!

Friday, December 14, 2007


I posted a few pics to the FHH album, but don't be afraid!! That snowing and blowing was going on for just a short time, I just thought it would be fun to tease our visitors about the weather :)

They are not forecasting any snow for tonight or tomorrow... tonight is going to be hell cold again, -18 C... with windchills - 27 C. Lovely. Tomorrow will be very cold with highs about -14 C so DRESS WARMLY!! I am so not joking!! :) Hats, scarves and mitts are a MUST!!

Anyhow, I have a couple thousand things I should be doing... Looking forward to our visitors tomorrow... hope everyone isn't too excited to get a good sleep!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Follow Up From Earlier

I went out and blew snow... it started on the 2nd try... might have gone on the first if I didn't pull like such a *girl* the first time! ;) It ran really well and was very kind and patient with me, being as I was just learning to use it!

It went through some deep snow, some was deeper than the blower housing part (the part with the blades in it, I dunno what else to call it!) and it still went through... taking full blower widths at a time (because I was moving snow where snow had not been moved yet this year) and doing a great job! On those really deep parts, I did make a 2nd pass to tidy it up, but it was pretty darned good even after the first pass.

Much of what I did today was blow the snow over areas that are just grass underneath, so kinda tough going, but we took our time and got through it all, no problems! I am pretty impressed and happy ... helps that its all powdery snow and not heavy and wet, it would've never made it through with that heavy wet slushy snow!

I took a few pics and I'll post them to the FHH album shortly, for anyone that wants to see snow... we have a bunch of it! It'll show those of you that will be visiting in the next while what you're in for... and for those of you not able to visit, it'll give you something to mock the visitors about. ;)

I also have a few pics of deer that I'll put up... there were 3 of them just around the corner from Shawn's office on Monday night, just hanging out... I pulled over to see them and they just stood around for a while and let me take pics from the car.

Tis The Season To Forget To Blog...

Fa la la la la blah blah blah!

As usual, we've been busy... the weather has been cold and we got more snow yesterday/last night. Must've have been about 4 inches ish. Enough that my plan for today is to go out and try using the snowblower. I already went and filled up the gas can (it was empty from all the grass cutting!) and now I'm just waiting for the wind to die back a bit.

Our snow removal guy was here last night and did his usual good job, so that's not needing to be done (even though there is some nice drifting in the driveway with the wind!). Its all the OTHER parts... the path out to the goats... the path to the manure pile.... under the tarped building where I park the van.

I'm very tired of trudging through mid calf to knee deep snow! It's exhausting and its taking a real toll on my knees and hips. So assuming I can get it started (we haven't started it since June) I'll work away at that today.

I went to the feed store yesterday and picked up 2 bags of grain for the goats, another bag of stall dry and 2 bags of pickled sand. The snow clogs the eaves over the back door, then if it melts at all, drips down on the concrete steps and freezes... figured it was time to put something down so we wouldn't die going out the back door!

Our fake tree is up, but not decorated... Shawn helped me put it up last weekend. It came pre covered with white mini lights and I'm thinking I might add some coloured lights to it this year, if I get time, I missed those last year.

We're, of course, gearing up for our company this weekend and are very excited. We're still reminding the powers that be of our request for NICE CLEAR WEATHER on Saturday... so far, the forecast looks ok. *crosses as many body parts as possible*.

I opened up Jessica's room and the guest room yesterday... they were mighty chilly and really cooled off the whole upstairs.... I'm hoping the temps will equalize a bit and then be bearable with portable heaters while our company is here. It's a little like camping here at my house!

Over the last few days we've got all our Christmas cards and packages mailed off... a little later than we like to, but sometimes these things just happen!

The dogs are doing fine... enjoying the snow... the goats are fine too, growing a bunch and hating the weather! I haven't spent as much time with my goat babies lately as I'd like... been too busy getting stuff done.

Shawn is off on Friday, so he can help me get the last minute stuff done around here... like vacuuming and grocery shopping. I'm looking forward to his help! :)

I'm still waiting on a bunch of package deliveries in order to finish my Christmas shopping... luckily, I have everything that's necessary for this weekend and then there's still a whole week and bit after that for stuff to arrive, so I'm not panicked...yet ;)

I'm quite certain I'm forgetting stuff again... but that's about all I can think of right now, so I better bundle up and get ready to start snowblowing... hope that works out ok!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Goat Videos

I sent out an email to some people that I thought might be interested in seeing videos of our goats, but I may well have missed someone so I thought I'd post the links here too. If I forgot to send you the email and you wanted to see goat videos, my apologies!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Long Time No Update!

Almost a week since an update, good grief! I blame the weather... we've had a good bit of snow here... the last storm brought about 25 cm... they forecasted 40 cm, so I'm a little disappointed, but that's ok. It's also been cold and we haven't seen the sun in days... well until today... its finally sunny out and today, I don't feel near so blah as I have for days! Funny how that works!!

I finished caulking all the windows last week... and that helped some.... last weekend Shawn and I installed that plastic film stuff over all the upstairs windows (except the one over the hot tub, which needs to get done yet)... everything you need to install the plastic comes in the package. Tape, plastic, a cutter tool and a tape measure. You put up the tape, cut the plastic, stick it down and then turn the hair dryer on hot to remove the wrinkles. It has worked amazingly well! We'll do the downstairs ones yet too.

The goats are doing ok.... they are annoyed by the weather and have been staying inside their shelter a fair bit. They are both wearing their fancy blankets. I bought two more blankets in the next size up last week, in purple and Bert is wearing one of the new ones... Ernie is still in the smaller size, but I did notice its getting shorter across the back. (It takes a very cute goat to pull off the colour purple and Bert does a great job!) (I got the different sizes in different colours so in the dark, in the cold, in the wind, it would be easier to tell which blanket goes on which goat!)

The Rogers guy is supposed to come out today and do something about the coax cable running across our driveway. Its a huge pain in the ass... moving it because the snow removal guy MIGHT come... so like 6 or so times a day we're out there moving it out of the way and tying it to a post or moving it back so we can have internet access. Pretty classy. Obviously there's no way they are going to get it buried now til spring, so we're just looking at them installing another length and running it up the fence line, behind the stonedust pile, around the white and red sheds and across the new fence line and down the side of the house. This means we'll have to walk across it, but no one will need to drive across it ... not the snow plow that would chew its into a million pieces. Hopefully it works out the way I hope... because otherwise it might just drive me nuts.

Speaking of the snow removal guy... he does a great job!! He generally comes in the evening, between 7 - 9pm... but he did comes the other day after the big snow around noon. We managed to get out to get Shawn to work that morning (Monday?) but getting back in was a real trick... and technically I should have just been stuck. It was so deep the bottom of the van was scraping the snow. A Hagey lecture came back to me, an oldie but a goodie, about EASING the car through the deep snow... don't try to give it much gas... blah, blah... I'm sure you all can recall this particular lecture ;) Anyhow, to Daddy's credit, it did work... I eased it back and forward and back and forward, finally getting all the way up the hill and was able to pull straight under the tarped building. Who knew Hagey lectures could be useful? :) I may have to re examine my entire childhood now ;)

This weekend we have some stuff planned... Friday night we're going to the Centrepointe theatre and we're going to see the Nepean Choir, A Festive Noel with the Northwinds Brass. Should be fun.

Then Sunday night, we're back at the Centrepointe Theatre to see the 22nd Annual Festival of Carols, presented by the Salvation Army.

We're looking forward to having an excuse to go out... I like time alone, but with winter and stuff I start to feel a bit stir crazy and going out and seeing neat Christmas musical performances is fun. Its very different now that Shawn is the only other human I see regularly... unless I go out shopping or something!! Not that I had a big social life before we came out here, but we did have regular enjoyable visits with my parents on Friday night... and my family on Sundays. I did also interact fairly regularly with people at the boarding stable... nevermind not seeing my girl daily now!!

That's the thing when your kids are out of public school... you don't automatically get to go and see different performances, though I imagine and hope they will be in my future again... getting to see shows my daughter is involved with!! :)

The dogs are doing fine... they love this weather, the freaks! Buddy often forgets how old he is and runs around crazy in the snow.. then comes in, lays on the couch for a while and when he gets up his shoulder is a bit stiff... nothing horrible... just the mind not aging with the body. They do enjoy being able to just run out the back door... as do we... when its cold we just stand at the door and watch them and don't have to freeze! :)

Oh Shawn and I made vanilla fondant last night... twas easy and fun! I found vanilla bean at Bulk Barn and I put a whole bean (cut up with scissors) into the fondant. Of course, its very rich and you can only eat a bit at a time, so this batch will likely last us a while and I won't be in a rush to make another. It's really just pure sugar :)

I'm probably forgetting stuff, as usual... but that's all that's coming to me for now. I should go out and check my goats and wait for the Rogers guy to arrive. Super fun.

** Updated at 2:30pm... The Rogers guy arrived around noon and ran a big long cable around like we wanted. The signal strength is of course slightly less, but it should get us through winter. Now the cable is just a minor tripping hazard in 2 places, instead of a snow blower hazard... I'd really rather trip and fall than have one of my main means of communicating with the outside world severed!! Priorities! ;)

While I was waiting for the Rogers guy, I also got my Christmas cards written, stamped and ready to mail off... Shawn hasn't done HIS yet... but I did mine *neener neener*. ;) I'm going up to the post office later, so I'll get them sent off early... yay :)

I also wrapped a couple presents, but I'm not telling anymore than that.. .secret Christmas stuff you know.... don't want to RUIN Christmas!! ;)

Need to go clean my goats... I trimmed their feet a bit this morning, but I don't feel I did a good job... I brought them up to the white building to do and they both had way too much fun in there, jumping on the stack of hay and doing all sorts of things they really shouldn't. Ernie was entirely unable to stand quietly while tied... so while I managed to get his feet trimmed, I had a hard time doing Bert's with him leaping and jumping all around me! Brat. Next time I'll enlist Shawn's help... or maybe we can get a "goat stand" built sometime soon... maybe TWO :)