Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Follow Up From Earlier

I went out and blew snow... it started on the 2nd try... might have gone on the first if I didn't pull like such a *girl* the first time! ;) It ran really well and was very kind and patient with me, being as I was just learning to use it!

It went through some deep snow, some was deeper than the blower housing part (the part with the blades in it, I dunno what else to call it!) and it still went through... taking full blower widths at a time (because I was moving snow where snow had not been moved yet this year) and doing a great job! On those really deep parts, I did make a 2nd pass to tidy it up, but it was pretty darned good even after the first pass.

Much of what I did today was blow the snow over areas that are just grass underneath, so kinda tough going, but we took our time and got through it all, no problems! I am pretty impressed and happy ... helps that its all powdery snow and not heavy and wet, it would've never made it through with that heavy wet slushy snow!

I took a few pics and I'll post them to the FHH album shortly, for anyone that wants to see snow... we have a bunch of it! It'll show those of you that will be visiting in the next while what you're in for... and for those of you not able to visit, it'll give you something to mock the visitors about. ;)

I also have a few pics of deer that I'll put up... there were 3 of them just around the corner from Shawn's office on Monday night, just hanging out... I pulled over to see them and they just stood around for a while and let me take pics from the car.

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