Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Short Update

Monday night we got the machine shed doors installed... they look ok... they'll look way better when the rest of the building gets painted, of course.

Last night, we cleaned up all the tools from that job and moved some of the machinery into its new shed... it fits really nice... such an improvement!! I have pics, but I haven't offloaded them yet, I'll post when I get that done.

We also decided that the footing in the tarped building needs to be deeper. Partly, we didn't make it as deep as we first planned... then it settled quite a bit with watering... now I noticed there's a few weeds growing through the landscape fabric and through the footing... so we'll have to move some more stonedust... not a huge deal and I'm glad the first stuff had a chance to really settle... it'll make it pack tighter... I still may need a compactor for that footing, especially if we make it deeper, but that's not a big deal, you just rent 'em.

Other than that, I'm starting to make preparations for the weekend... my parents, Jess and Kyle are coming for a few days... I'm so happy they are all willing to make the trip here... it'll be so nice to see them all again!! Yay :)

Not much else going on... I need to pick up some fence posts and get started on that, but I think it might have to wait til next week.... we'll see what time I get!

Shawn's head seems to be healing... nothing points to it being infected yet, so that's good! The puddle of glue seems to be shrinking and now instead of being flat, its got some jagged points and stuff... seems like that might mean the whole would is tightening up underneath... I hope so. You can't see the actual wound anymore, the glue is now white and not see through. But I keep checking it a couple times a day, just in case!

That's it for now!

1 comment:

K¥£€ said...

(this is me hypnotizing you)




Well, hope I had a good impact on your decision!


Take care, see ya friday evening :)
