Sunday, October 21, 2007

Quick Update... We're NOT Dying :)

Or at least not from bronchitis ... cause really you never know what's in store for you from minute to minute.

We actually had enough strength to get a few things done yesterday... cleaned the goat hut... put up markers where the fencing will go... that sort of thing.

Today, we have some more stuff to do... a trip to home depot (of course!) and a few other things I hope to get done.

We'd like to start on the fencing, but I don't think there will be enough time or energy to do that today... we'll see.

The weather here is gorgeous today... so we're off to go try to enjoy it as much as possible... goodness only knows how long it'll last!!


TRAFN8R said...

Hey Lisa,

What a gorgeous DAY!!! I hope you get a little bit accomplished. I went to get some fencing supplies and they had half. Not the front half either. So we order and wait...


K¥£€ said...

Hey Lisa,

Glad to see you guys are doing okay, hadnt seen a new post for a few days.. :)

Jess was in town this weekend, and im hopefully going there next weekend, so it should be nice :)

Take care!

Grayleo said...

Yay - no dying!!! Remember my rule about that - both of you. ;)