Thursday, October 11, 2007

Cold, Damp & Miserable

That pretty much sums it up around here right now. Shawn and I are both sick... not horribly, but enough to make everything a huge effort... like eating... showering... that sort of thing. Super fun.

Its cold and rainy around here and its starting to get to be time to turn on the furnace, I think. We've had our little electric heater that looks like a fireplace on the last few evenings while we've watched tv and that does a nice job of heating up the living room... the heat does go upstairs some, but I've not been leaving it on long enough for it to really make a big difference upstairs yet.

Our goats are supposed to come home Sunday morning... we still have quite a bit of prep to do... after work tonight we'll stop and pick up the wood we need to slap a little shelter together for them... nothing fancy... and small enough that the two little guys will have a chance of keeping themselves warm in it... too big and they'll never warm it up. Wont take long to slap it together, we have a plan... and its very simple.

I still have to get some hay, straw and shavings... I only need small amounts right now, so I'll just find somewhere to pick it up myself in the van... that'll be fine for now.

All sorts of things that need doing, but before I can actually get to them, I need to lay down for a few minutes and stop the friggen coughing that keeps causing my shoulder / collarbone to pop out. The common sound around here is *cough, cough, SWEAR, cough*... pretty classy, I am ;)

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