Monday, October 29, 2007

Just Call Me a TYPE A MANIAC, apparently

The new pics are up... I've started an album on FHH for Halloween 2007. So far the decorations look pretty good... we'll see what else we get done.
I also started an album for Fencing In Progress. I didn't take very many yet, but I did get a couple of the short length we did on Saturday when it was almost finished. The other part is just some tbars put in the ground and still some laying on the ground, not really exciting... yet.

There was big excitement just on the other side of the village this morning... about 15 - 20 emergency vehicles went up that way... not long after, I went up to the post office to mail a package to my girl in TO and mentioned it to the postal clerk and she told me there was a fire up at the highschool. One of her driver's daughter called to tell her about it. I found a blurb online for anyone interested, here's the text from the Ottawa Sun:

A fire has forced officials to close West Carleton Secondary School this afternoon.

City firefighters were called to a working fire at the Dunrobin Rd. school at about 11 a.m. Ottawa paramedics were also on standby at the scene. Reports indicate a vehicle caught fire in one of the school's auto shops, and that smoke from the blaze spread to other areas of the building.

There is no word on the extent of damage, but no injuries have been reported. Students are being sent home for the rest of the day. There is no indication of when the school might be able to reopen.

I went back to the doctor this morning... basically I'm fine and the residual "stuff" seems to be asthma related, according to him. I now have 3 different inhalers to use (I got the one filled that I didn't 2 weeks ago).

I normally don't like to bother with inhalers and I'm always a bit suspicious of them but I did take all the prescribed puffs since I got home and I feel quite a bit better... breathing isn't quite the chore it was.

I also received a Hagey lecture from my doc that would've made my dad proud. According to him, that if I'm going to wait until I'm so sick to see a doctor, then I can't expect to get better overnight... and he was a bit annoyed that I waited another 2 weeks to come back after I wasn't feeling that much better when the antibiotics ran out.

I explained that I know they are busy and I really like to try to fight it off myself before resorting to going to the doctor and that I think people who go to the doctor everytime they "pass gas" sideways are really abusing our medical system and I don't want to be one of those.

So he went on to tell me that patients are generally a pain in the butt, but there are 2 types that annoy him. The ones that come in for every little tiny thing, most of which would resolve on their own. The 2nd group are the ones that wait until they are almost dead to come in, but then expect him to perform miracles overnight. He says the 2nd group makes him crazier than the first, as he'd rather just tell patients they will be ok, but sometimes catch something more serious earlier than deal with half dead zombies coming in for instant miracles. He says he calls the 2nd group "Type A Maniacs". Apparently he wishes for a happy medium... haha good luck with that.

Anyhow, my response to him was "Yay, I'm part of the winner group" and he kinda looked at me like I hadn't understood... and I said "You know, because the group I belong to drives you CRAZIEST?!" He just looked at me and said "Just like a type A to make everything into a contest" and shook his head and laughed.

So anyhow, he figures by the end of the week I should be feeling much better and if not, I'm to COME BACK... yeah, we'll see... maybe if I get really bad ;)

He wondered if my husband was doing better and I told him that he was, but he still had a bit of a residual cough and the doc wondered why he didn't come with me... I told the doc I had asked my husband if he wanted to but was told "I'm not THAT sick" and the doc just shook his head again and muttered something about us being a perfect type A marriage... dunno what that is supposed to mean ;)

So for those of you that worry I don't get enough lectures out here in Eastern Ontario, I got a good one this morning... just like being back home! :)

Oh and it was really quick to see the doc... I was there before the clinic opened and was 2nd in line... it opened at 9am and I was out the door before 9:30am... THAT's the way I like it. Maybe if all my experiences were that way, I wouldn't wait so long to see a doc, but man, when you have to wait more than 2 hours and often closer to 4, you gotta be sick sick sick to bother.

I bought a boneless turkey thigh at Farm Boy, brought it home and cut it up and am making a pot of soup for supper. Should be yummy.


cowpatty said...

HAHA so.... apparently this doctor KNOWS you... and Shawn.... I might like to thank him personally for the lecture (and maybe your mother would too... and your father... ) :) some things never change... I told you, a standing script for Octobers. nice to visit a clinic in a small town, eh? I think you have the best of all worlds there... small town/country life, but within an hour maybe of all the entertainment, nightlife, shopping, and big city amenities you could ever want! ps your neighbours are going to think you are weird with your funky Halloween display!

Anonymous said...

Hey CowPatty... welcome to blogger :)

And yeah yeah, I figured YOU would enjoy the doctor story... that's why I posted it :)

Its almost the best of all worlds... the only things missing are my family and the southern ontario warmth!! :)

And really, I'm sure the neighbours already realized we're weird... the halloween display will just confirm it :)