Saturday, September 1, 2007

Only Took TWO Months....

Happy September and Labour Day Weekend!

As I usually say at the beginning of a post... sorry for being quiet for a few days, I've been *busy*. I really should come up with some better excuse or just post more frequently :)

Anyhow, today, its 2 months (to the day!) since we moved here, we are officially all moved in! Its the friggen move "that never ends.. it just goes on and on my friend... some people started moving, not knowing what they were doing and they continued moving forever just because..."

Sorry, got side tracked by that song!! Today we emptied out the storage unit. We've been slowly working at it, a load at a time here and there... and today was the LAST load!! This is extremely exciting in our world... all our possessions are now under ONE roof (ok, several roofs if you count the stuff in the outbuildings...)

We spent the day unpacking and reorganizing and going through possessions AGAIN... we went through the books again... we started with 16 boxes and got them down to 11 boxes! We'll be making a trip to Value Village tomorrow to drop them off... and of course look at their awesome Halloween stuff while we're there :)

We also hung up the Halloween costumes in the guest room closet... there's still some room for guest clothes if needed... but emptying out those 4 or 5 boxes, really helped make room for other stuff on the shelves!!

We also started taking over Jessica's room a bit today... oops... probably shouldn't mention THAT!! haha... Just a tiny bit of stuff got moved in there... just some Halloween stuff into the one closet that was practically empty. Oh and the Christmas tree is hanging out in there in its box currently as well...don't panic Jess... there's still tons of room for you and your stuff :) We just temporarily needed some space while we get organized.

We also brought down the TV from upstairs finally (the old TV that I've had for *years*... I want to say it was purchased in 93?) Its small, but still works... or at least did work for Shawn when he was in his nasty basement. Its not hooked up yet or even plugged in... maybe later or tomorrow! We're starting to run out of steam now!!

It was a decent eating day... late breakfast of cheese croissant with melted cheese, bacon and egg on it.... for lunch we picked up some stuff at Farm Boy, Shawn got sushi and I got those veggie rolls in rice paper wrap things. We also bought gelato (kinda like ice cream or sherbet) at Farm Boy that was being sold with proceeds going to CHEO (Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario). We each had a scoop of strawberry gelato on a sugar cone... tasty enough.

For supper I boiled some tiny potatoes that I got at the veggie stand down the street (you know, the one with the distinct name!) and bbq'd rib eye steaks from Farm Boy and also a delicious pre made salad from Farm Boy that had romaine, cucumbers, tomatoes, red onion, peppers and grilled and chilled asparagus on top. Was quite yummy.

I briefly heard from Jess today... her and Kyle were trying to figure out how to offload her pictures from her camera phone to her computer and were not having much luck.... I didn't hear back so I dont know if it worked or not.

It was great that Kyle went down this weekend, they went to plug in the new phone to the wall to get it ready for the phone service on Tuesday and found there was no jack... just some wires hanging out of the wall!! So they went and bought the little jack boxy thing and Kyle installed it for her! Thanks Kyle! You rock!! :) That sure would've sucked on Tuesday when there should be phone service and suddenly there was no phone jack!!!

In spite of us doing mostly inside stuff today, it was a gorgeous day outside... one might even say a PERFECT day! Probably should've done outside stuff... but I'm so happy that we're done with the storage unit and I wont have to pay for it each month!! Nice to have the stuff home, but nicer to not have that bill!! :)

The thing that's been kinda screwing up my available time and energy this week is at the beginning of the week my shoulder/collar bone/ neck was **really** sore. And I'm positive it wasn't stress related or anything... uh huh. Anyhow, I decided early in the week that I HAD to do something about it... it was intolerable.

I went on a search to find an available massage therapist in the area... it took many phone calls, but I finally found one that had an appointment for later that day. Its in Kanata, but kinda the other end of Kanata, it takes 20 - 30 minutes to get there from home. I got a great massage that provided quite a bit of relief. In the same clinic was a chiropractor that the massage therapist highly recommended. So when my massage was over, I asked the receptionist if the chiro was available to see me that day.

He wasn't actually in at that time, but she called him at home and he came into the office early just to accommodate me! He did a thorough history and did a treatment. He's no Dr. Edwards and he does mostly manual adjustments and active release therapy, but he was gentle and didn't seem like a dink like that other chiro that Jess saw a few weeks ago.

After that first treatment, right after the massage, I felt pretty damn good... better than I had in weeks!! I went back again yesterday for another chiro treatment and again it worked out well. I'm going again on Tuesday... and I'll try to book another massage for later in the week. I have to get some of the muscle tension under control, the headaches and related pains drive me nuts!!

This chiro doesn't hold much hope for fixing my separated shoulder... he figures the only "cure" is surgery and that's a pretty strong statement from a chiro. That doesn't surprise me, of course, but I'll delay it as long as possible... I'm in no hurry for them to muck about in my shoulder joint!!

At least now, with the muscles more relaxed, when my collarbone goes "out", I can usually coax it back in within a short amount of time. When its knotted up solid like concrete, its really tough to get it back in... though it seems just as easy for it to come out, somehow!

Now I'm starting to think SNACK time... I'm sure if I even whisper that, Shawn will agree its time to eat again! :) That's it for now....


K¥£€ said...

Hey Lisa,

Glad I could help install the phone jack in Jess's Room. We had a beautiful day today together , and I'll leave it to her blog to tell you about that, once she finishes it. It was a fantastic day, and I have yet another planned for tomorrow. It was funny when all I could find is the wires in the wall, but it was easy enough to "fix". I went and got her a phone line extension and a new power bar, as she has so many electronics and the cord with the phone was wayyy to short.

Take care!


TRAFN8R said...

Hey Lisa,
No more storage!!! But it looked so neat and organized there :)

Gee whiz, I don't think two monthis is bad at all. If you step back and look what you've accomplisjed in that amount of time it's dang near heroic!!!!!
Plus the few little details rgarding Jess and your shoulder/collarbone.
It's good to hear that you have found someone to give you some relief in that area.
Did you get the floor in the outbuilding? All packed down like concrete?
So? What comes next?
You KNOW there is always something.
It sounds like Jess is doing all right, although I haven't been to her blog. I figure you'll tell me what 'inquiring minds' need to know:)


Anonymous said...

Kyle, You're awesome for fixing up her phone jack for her! Plus the phone line extension and power bar...good thing she has someone to do the tech support side of stuff when I'm oh so far away!!

Jayne,You're right we've done ok for 2 months... Its been bugging me that its taken so long to get the stuff home, but we had to clear room here for it first....then as you pointed out, we have been working on one or two other things... I'm just glad the bill for the storage unit is done!! :)

We haven't finished the flooring yet... we only worked that one day at it so far... we'll get back to it... then it has to be packed down with some water and either by driving the lawn tractor over and over or I'll have to rent a compactor... we'll see what its like when we've put it all down and then decide.

And I've pretty much realized you've never DONE... I try not to think about everything that needs to be done though, it makes me want to go back to bed and pull the covers over my head :)