Friday, September 21, 2007

General Catch Up

What a beautiful week of weather we've had!! Its been absolutely lovely here... today I think is supposed to get to 28 C, which is a little warmer than I like, but for right now there's still a lovely breeze coming in the windows.

With this great weather, we've been working really hard to get stuff done. I hate to waste the nice days and evenings, who knows how many more there will be??

So this week, we've been eating supper later, after dark, in order to squeeze about 2 hours of work in while its still light. Its kinda strange to be cooking and eating around 8pm and doesn't leave any time to have SNACK, which sucks, but we're coping ;)

Let's see... this week I got all the parts for the machine shed doors painted with two coats.... both pieces of plywood (all sides), 3 pieces of 2x6 pressure treat that will get attached to the machine shed door way to help with the door installation... and 5 pieces of 1x3 spruce that will get attached to the plywood to help ward off warping of the plywood (hopefully and in theory!)

All that painting took me both days, Tuesday and Wednesday... in those evenings we worked on different stuff... moving stone dust to the tarped building... and that's now mostly done... I need to water it yet, but I've already compacted using the lawn tractor AND the mini van and it seems really stable and solid. But I'll still water it to finish firming it... then we also have a 4x4 to install at the far end to ensure no eroding of the stone dust happens long term. We'll likely have to add a shovel or two once that 4x4 goes down, but nothing major.

It sure looks nice now under the tarped building, being mostly flat and level and not full of weeds and stuff... its no longer scary to go under there, which is NICE :) We do need to replace a couple of the bungee cords that help secure the tarped part, as they are worn and not really providing support any more, but again, that's not a big deal.

Last night, Shawn and I worked at the grass, which hasn't been cut in a while... we've been busy doing other things. I didn't get all the lawn finished, but I did get quite a bit done out the back and around the outbuildings. Shawn weed whacked the remaining chunk between the goat house and the old nasty metal building. I then went over it and chopped it up... its so nice and clear there now.

There's still a chunk next to the nasty old metal building he wants to get... maybe tonight we'll do some more grass stuff... then I could get the lawn finished.

Then soon its time to pull out the chainsaw and clean up the trees around the outbuildings now that you can get through the grass a bit easier. Not sure if we'll get to that this weekend or not... we also have to finish prepping the machine shed for the doors to get installed (remove the electric panel and wiring)... paint the machine shed around the door frame to protect it from water damage (I'll eventually do the whole front face, but it'll likely happen in 2 stages.) Then of course the doors have to be cut to size and assembled... touch up painting where the cuts happen, then installed.

THEN the machinery can be moved to that building... and the cheap fencing we got a few weeks ago can be stored in the little white building until needed... which is hopefully SOON... I really want to get some dog fencing up soon at least!!

Man, I'm just exhausted THINKING about all the work!

Plus this weekend is the Carp Fall Fair.. which we plan to attend... Its supposed to be one of the better fairs in the area... there should at least be tasty fair food! :)

And next weekend we've been invited to a dinner party by one of Shawn's coworkers and his wife.... That should be fun... its not something we've ever done before... you know, given how antisocial we are and all!!... and his wife is apparently a very good cook, so that should be awesome!

The same coworker actually has lent us their Nintendo Wii (A BIG thanks!!) (for those who don't know what it is, its a game console... you know, video games ;) )to try out... we hooked it up last night and it was pretty neat. The Wii's are apparently easier to get now, so we'll try it out and then decide if we're going to get one or not. So far, its rather entertaining and WAY easier to play and control than the xbox, for instance. Even old folks like Shawn and I can have a chance... even the first night with no previous experience... so that's something :)

I'm sitting upstairs in our bedroom at the desk... plugged into wired internet (wireless was being slow and I was being impatient) and I keep hearing the neighbour's sheep baa baa baaing... not sure what's up over there, but someone is unhappy!! Funny sheep and their funny sheep noises :) (We also heard their guard donkey the other day and it was such a funny noise... I laughed and laughed... I love donkeys!)

Well, enough procrastinating... I have work to do!

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