Wednesday, January 30, 2008

More Schtuff

So a bunch has happened in the past while, but I haven't been updating regularly.

Lisa is back in Kitchener -- I'm here looking after the menagerie again while she's gone.

Work has been very busy. I've been spending a bunch of time in my off hours writing programs (which isn't usual for me). So there's been not as much awesome stuff like shirt making going on. I'm hoping to get back to that tomorrow night. I've got everything all set up to make a black shirt: I think it'll be awesome.

Everybody here is doing great: the goats learned this week how to jump and get on top of their shelter. They can do it about 1 in 6 times: they sortof hurl themselves at the wall, scrabble ineffectually with their feet, and pray they get up. Most of the time they end up falling on their backs or sides, legs akimbo, but they succeed often enough to not give up. I imagine they'll get better at it, and not be lame their entire lives.

We had some nasty weather here: freezing rain and ice pellets and big winds. The goats managed to stay dryer than me, somehow, despite living outside. :-) Things are pretty icy around here, but not as bad as it has been, thank goodness.

Ummm... watching StarGate Atlantis (an excellent show BTW) and a few movies. I watched Bambi the other night -- I hadn't seen it since I was a kid. Damn that was a surreal movie! Disney'd never get away with making some sort of art film about the changing seasons and marketing it to kids today.

Not much else. Busy busy. Need to shower now and then feed goats and then go to bed. :-)

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