Sunday, October 19, 2008

It's Been 2 Months...

since we started the sod breaking on the goat shed. As of today, I'm all caught up on painting again, thank goodness, since the weather for the next few days looks iffy! Sounds like a long time to be constructing a shed, but I think its not bad considering we've only worked weekends and evenings (which are getting SHORT!)

I put up some more pics today of the trim being all painted and showing the beginning of the first door construction. We probably would've finished the first door today, but we ran out of the right length screws, so I'll need to pick up more. (Wish I'd thought of it when we were AT Home Depot earlier today!!)

I'm hoping to get the doors painted before installation, but we'll see how the weather cooperates.

As for things left to do on the shed... the hardware cloth can go up anytime now, over the windows and in the spaces between the roof trusses to keep birds and other critters out. I need to move some stone dust and finish grading.

I'm going to move some of our skids and rubber mats that we have set up for the goats inside the electric fence that is no longer electrified and put them just outside their door to the shed. It'll help keep them from churning things up outside the door and will give them a high-ish, dry-ish place to lay, which they like. Also very easy to just sweep up the poops and keep clean :)

The plan is to get this all done and the goat fencing moved over to that area before Shawn has his wisdom teeth removed the middle of November. I think it's doable, assuming the weather doesn't screw us! We'll see.

That's it going on around here... no time for much else! :)
-- L

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