Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Heat Continues...

Just a quick update... its another hot and humid day here... the AC has been running for days now... all weekend. It's brutal outside. I think it's supposed to break later today/tonight... I'm very hopeful! We're currently under a thunderstorm watch that includes high winds.

My goats are miserable about this weather, almost more miserable than they were about the winter weather. The bugs are very bad... mosquitoes, deer flies and especially horse flies. The horse flies are HUGE (about 2 inches) long and they have a NASTY bite that hurts like heck... for DAYS after they bite. For anyone interested in reading about horse flies, here's the wiki article.

The dogs are doing fine... mostly staying inside, except to run out and do their business. Oliver would like to stay outside longer, but he gets so hot and miserable, I worry he'll have heat stroke, never mind those of us that have to stay out with him!

We weighed Oliver last night and he's up to 19.2 lbs.... he gained 2 pounds in a week, guess he's growing and getting enough to eat... he looks so scrawny and ribby to me, but I think its ok for him not to be an obese baby and put undue stress on his joints and all that. He mostly doesn't mind being crate trained and our older dogs LOVE that he's being crate trained... gives them a break from his own brand of crazy that he likes to inflict on them.

His house training is coming along... we've had a couple minor accidents and a bit of submissive peeing (when dealing with the intolerant older dogs!) but nothing major. With this heat, he's also drinking a fair bit of water, which he processes very quickly and means you have to be vigilant!!

With it being so hot on the weekend, we didn't get as much done as we would've liked... we only have one more section of electric fence to put up (just the actual rope and wire, the insulators are all up) and the two gates to do and then that will be done. Probably just an afternoons worth of work to go.

I also have to replace the roof on the goat ghetto before we move them into that area, its currently roofless. When I originally made the roof, it was made from 3 pieces of "reclaimed" (old!!) plywood that I fastened together. It worked fine and was still repelling water no problem. The only issue with it was our growing goats... more specifically BERT who is big and heavy and likes to hang out on top of the shelter. The plywood was starting not to seem quite sturdy enough to hold him and in a couple places the fasteners were starting to stick out a bit just from him compressing them over and over. I already bought the plywood to put on, I just have to trim it a bit and fasten it on. Again, not a big project, but way more than I can do in this heat!!

The fire flies are out again around here... when we go out before bed with the dogs and to check the goats, there are millions of them hanging out in the yard and the fields, twinkling like ground stars. Absolutely beautiful.

I think that's about it for now... just waiting for the weather to break... they are forecasting tomorrow's high to be 23 C.. perhaps I'll be able to shut off the AC and the fans and just enjoy the peace and quiet again :)

-- L

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