Thursday, May 29, 2008

Always Busy

More busy around FHH.

Yesterday I cut all the grass AGAIN... including a swath along the top of the hill at the front side of our property. (If you're looking at our place from the road, its the right hand side, over near where we've been grazing the goats.) I got a "brilliant" idea yesterday while sitting on the lawn mower that I could dig out some of the new growth from the base of the lilac bush and transplant it over on that hill edge. The idea is to mix in some real trees both evergreens and maybe some maples and provide some cover from the road there.

I didn't dig up any of the lilac new growth yet, so I don't know if this brilliant plan will work yet or not, but we'll see how it goes. It may turn out to be one of those plans that sounds good in theory, but makes you wish you were dead when you actually try to DO it :)

After we picked Shawn up from work last night, we went a little farther into Kanata and picked up some sod that someone had dug out of their lawn to make a garden (thanks kijiji!). We brought home 4 muck buckets, a rubbermaid garbage can, 3 garden tubs, a blue water bucket and 5 plastic containers you get from buying trees at the nursery full of sod!

We are using it to help fill in the ruts that run across our property. At some point, years ago, someone drove a truck across the property a few times when it was very muddy and left these ruts. They generally aren't a big deal, except that we do have to cross them to get to where the goats have been grazing lately. They are deep enough that my lawn tractor can not go through them.

We filled some with manure early in the season and now this sod we're just laying on top of that. Makes a decent job... doubt the grass will grow, but eventually it will and that's ok with us. So mostly its free fill :)

I think after work tonight we'll make another trip and hopefully get the rest of it. Its a good deal for the person we're getting it from also, as they live in suburbia and have no way of disposing of all the sod. Everyone is happy :)

After we put all the sod down in the ruts, then we also moved the goat pen. They had pretty much used up the whole front section, so we moved it back away from the road now, closer to the old barn site. We have tons of grass to be eaten, that's for sure!!

We were definitely tired last night... again!!
That's it for now.
-- L

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