Sunday, October 12, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving weekend! Hope everyone is getting lots of turkey. I made our turkey yesterday so that we could eat leftovers for the rest of the weekend. It was about 21 lbs, the biggest I've ever made and it turned out well enough. Not quite as good as Mom's, but I didn't have to sit in the car a long time either. ;)

I made a mistake when I bought such a big turkey, my roasting pan wasn't large enough to hold it! So yesterday we made a quick trip into town to search for a very large roasting pan. We found one, its a non stick one though and I'm not sure I'm in love with it. It did the job though and was very reasonably priced, I can't complain.

Today we made a trip to Home Depot to get supplies for making the windows/shutters on the goat shed. When we got home, we started to cut the wood and assemble them. We got 4 completely done (ok they still need painting, hinges added and need to be hung, blah blah) a 5th is almost assembled (our drill batteries needed recharging) and the 6th, the wood is cut and ready to be assembled.

We'll work on it again tomorrow and likely finish #5, #6, #7 & #8. We have two windows that will also have a wood frame with plexy glass in them for a bit of light, #9 & #10. We'll see if we get to those tomorrow or not. I posted a few pics to the FHH album in the goat shed album showing what they look like so far.

Then Tuesday, I'll have to get more paint and get started painting them and hopefully the weather will hold for me! It's been lovely weather this weekend and tomorrow is supposed to be nice again too... I could take months more of this weather for sure :)

Not much else new around here... same old same old. Ollie is healing well from his neutering on Tuesday... the incision looks good, no sign of infection or opening up and the swelling and bruising is starting to improve also. He acts like nothing happened except that I got really mean and am making him hold still too much!

I've started letting him off leash a bit in the yard by himself (so there won't be any wrestling!!) and he feels so good and has so much energy he sometimes just has to run and run and run. He tucks his scrawny little bum and just GOES! Its kind of a balancing act between him not hurting himself and allowing him to burn off a bit of steam. So far, so good. *Keeps fingers crossed* Not really sure how you're supposed to keep them still and quiet for TWO WEEKS!! That's insane :)

I did buy a prime rib roast at Loblaws (on sale) the other day and I think I might make that for tomorrow night's supper just for a bit of variety from turkey. We are enjoying the turkey leftovers though :)

Hope everyone enjoys their beautiful long weekend! *gobble gobble*
-- L

1 comment:

kari said...

happy thanksgiving distant cousin-folk! (i came across shawn's blog when looking at a website that chronicles the Larson clan from the days in denmark. turns out that shawn is the grandson of my great-aunt, Marion. small world!)
