Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Is For Giving.... Boxing Day Is For....


We are officially thieves.

This afternoon we went into Kanata to the movie theatre and saw National Treasure 2, with Nicholas Cage. Very enjoyable movie and a good outing.

As we were leaving Centrum, we passed where they were selling Christmas trees this season and noticed there were a couple of trees just laying around, abandoned. I'm not sure which one of us suggested we take the trees home with us for the goats, but we drove around the block to get back to the area where they were.

We pulled up near where the trees were laying and all went out to look at them. There was a large one, a medium one and a really small scruffy one that wasn't even good enough to be called a Charlie Brown tree.

We loaded the large tree into the van and went back for the medium tree. With a bit more effort we got most of it stuffed into the back of the van, but enough of both was sticking out that we couldn't shut the trunk.

Luckily we carry bungee cords for just such as occasion. We bungeed it down as best we could and then off we went! We made it home without incident and unloaded the trees. We cut off a couple branches and gave them to the goats right away... they think it is delicious!!

So even though we were thieves... no one seemed to care ;)

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