Monday, October 22, 2007

In This Week's Police Report...

I received my weekly police report today, always good reading :)

There was a shocking thing though... there's a section that reports deer/vehicle collisions and in that section this week, it added a BEAR/vehicle accident! At 11pm one night in the last week a BEAR was struck by a car not more than 10 minutes from our house. In order for this report to have been marked "confirmed", the bear must have either been killed or severely injured and unable to leave the scene.

I've heard people say there are bears in the area, but who knew they were living like just up the road!!

It kinda creeps me out... we're OFTEN outside around 11pm with the dogs. Seems unlikely that a bear would bother with goats, but I can imagine us popping outside with 2 alert and noisy dogs might cause an issue!! Guess I'll be looking around carefully when I go outside at night now!


Moving on... we didn't get any fencing started this weekend, AGAIN... there were just too many other things that had to get done... then we were out of time and especially ENERGY!! By the time we went to bed last night, we were exhausted.

Its warm here again today... almost a bit unpleasant... not really used to this kind of warmth... but I'm not just sounds that way :) Starting tonight its supposed to cloud up and the rain will start and then for the rest of the week will be cooler... more seasonal.

That's about it for now.

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