Thursday, September 6, 2007

This & That

We've been trying to work away at "stuff" around here... last night Shawn finished hauling the stone dust for the machine shed. I spread and tamped it. We didn't even use half the pile on that job, so there will be plenty for the footing of the tarped building, my winter parking spot!

The machine shed looks much nicer and is much less scary now... some more weed whacking and tree trimming will help immensely... as well as tearing off more ugly siding :)

It didn't take us long to finish the stone dust in the machine shed last night... I thought we were about half way, but we were quite a bit farther than that... like 3/4 of the way... so it only took us like 20 minutes. Shawn and I looked at each other, kinda disappointed, as we thought we had a full night's work.

After about 2 seconds, I came up with some other things to do :) We came inside and started to sort through Shawn's CD collection. He had the cds in sleeves in binders and the empty cases in a box... we put as many of them together as possible. We're missing a few cds, missing a few boxes, but have quite a stack that are put together. Shawn's going to go through, pick the ones he wants, then we're gonna try to sell the rest at the used cd store. Hopefully we'll end up with enough to buy a fence post or two ;)

Back to the machine shed for a minute... I've decided I'm going to water it after all... it makes it so much nicer and firmer.... we own 100 feet of hose... but I figured it would be a bit too short... so we got out long 100' tape measure and measured it off... you know, to see how much more hose I'd need to buy.

Well... I was right, it was short... by about half!! I need another 100' of hose, apparently to reach that building. It doesn't look 200 feet away, but according to the measuring tape, it is! So I'll have to pick up some hose before I can water it... and then pray that our sad water pressure can trickle the water out that far. Its rather comical, when we connect the 100', we turn on the water... and wait... and wait... and wait some more.... just when you think there MUST be something blocking the hose and you start to consider peeking in the end of the hose, out comes a trickle!!

Then, before the machinery can be moved over, we have to build and install doors for this shed. I think we'll just use plywood and maybe some 1x3's (only because we can a whole bundle of them!) I believe we already have large hinges from the garage doors we made at Clyde road. I imagine these will be similar.

Yesterday I finally got all my guest bedding washed and Jessica's room bedding... its all clean and folded and ready to be put on beds as needed. I think I'll be putting on the guest sheets soon, as I think my mom is coming to stay with us next week! Yay :) Company :)

I also vacuumed the upstairs yesterday... the carpet might be ugly, but it sure gets all squishy and nice under foot after vacuuming. Not that I'm reconsidering ripping it out... that's still gonna happen ... just not sure WHEN, of course :)

Today, I busied myself tidying up our bedroom and making the desk area work up there.... so now I have a place to do paperwork and such. It looks way nicer now... much less junky, even though there are still some unpacked boxes, at least they are tidier. I also got my shredder hooked up, so now I can shred to my hearts content ;) Yes, clearly I need to get out more!

I'll be happier with the bedroom when we finally get around to chopping up that hot tub and disposing of it... that'll be another 8x8 feet of space that can be used! :)

Slowly but surely, things are getting organized... it takes lots of time... and just time living here to figure out what works and what doesn't. I'm finally happy with the living room layout... it now *works*. Funny how its a long process.

I went to the chiro on Tuesday and got adjusted... my shoulder/collarbone was not where it belonged, so the treatment was more owie than other times. Putting it back where it belongs does not seem to be something he can do... he doesn't even really try to do it... but he does seem to be able to loosen things up enough that I can force it back in after a couple hours, so that's something.

This afternoon, I'm going back for another massage... I'm sure that will also help some... most of the symptoms stem from muscle tension... I know hard to believe! :) ha!

I talked to Jess yesterday and the day before... her land line is now hooked up and working... her internet is sporadic... hopefully that is temporary. She seems to be doing ok... doesn't seem to miss us very much (who could blame her??) and seems to be settling in rather well.

Because I'm the mother, I am concerned that she's eating enough and all that stuff... but every once in a while it does occur to me that thousands of kids go off to university and rarely do you hear about any starving to death! ;)

From what I've heard, she seems to be making all her own food... I don't think she's eaten at the cafeteria yet! I think juice, milk, cheerios, chili & chips and bread is what she's existing on... maybe other stuff, but those are the things I've heard about.

Its warm today... the humidity is moving right in... I've got the windows shut and the big fan on at the bottom of the stairs blowing up and its only 67 F at noon... almost a bit chilly, but honestly, I'm NOT complaining, it just sounds that way!! With the humidity, its supposed to feel like 35 C (100 F ish?)... depending on how quickly it warms up in here, I may have to turn on the AC... .we'll see.

Time to do a few more things before I leave for my massage!


K¥£€ said...

Hey Lisa,

Cool to hear everything is going good with the stone dust and whatnot.

When I was down, I insisted on taking her grocery shopping but she was hellbent on not going, as she "had enough stuff" and, to be honest, she does have alot of food, but Im sure that a home cooked meal once in a while would make her day :P Maybe next time I go I'll cook her somthing REAL :P

She seems to be perfectly content on candy, soup, and tang. Wow, I wish I was that easily satisfied :)

Well, hope I can maybe put your worries at a rest, and next time I'm up, Ill get her some groceries or at least take her, so that she has everything she could possibly need :)

Take care!


Anonymous said...

Oh I know you'll look after her :) She's a stubborn one, I know... I figure after a few weeks she'll be begging to go to Grandma's on the weekend for a decent meal... maybe she could convince Grandma to make her garlic shrimp and pasta or a nice stir fry or something. (Maybe reading these suggestions will help! haha)

I did hear she went grocery shopping again... so I guess she's getting enough to eat... I'm the mom, I have to worry ;)

Hope all is well with you... how's the first week back to school? You working this weekend or going to TO?


K¥£€ said...

Hey lisa

Sorry about the delayed response...

Yeah, I worked all weekend. Ok enough, but I woulda loved to go to TO.

Im gunna try this weekend, but next weekend for SURE im going.

Take care!
